Friday, January 17, 2014

It's 9 O' Clock on a Saturday

and I'm in my house studying my scriptures. 
This week was a good one. President told me that I had to stay in the house for another week to recover fully. I felt good last week and I was ready to work but he said I had to rest more. I've been feeling good this whole week.  I'm used to just working through sickness and pain. It probably is better that I had some time to rest though.  I am grateful for the time that I have had to rest and recuperate.  I gets kind of boring sitting in the house all day but I have been able to read a lot and study the scriptures as well as Preach My Gospel. I have been working on my lesson plans. I have been getting healthier and healthier everyday and I will be able to hit the ground running on Monday. I am excited to be able to get back into things and get back to teaching. I've realized lately the importance of teaching well and how there is a lack of good teaching in the mission field as well as in the church in general. I need to be able to teach the best I can so that I can give the investigators the best chance to accept the message and feel the spirit. The desire to become a great teacher has been growing in me lately and I am going to study to make that happen. I want to be a master of the doctrine and the scriptures as well as be a master of how to deliver it in the manner that the investigator, less active, member, missionary, or whoever needs it.  That's why studying is so important.  D&C11:21 Seek not to adeclare my word, but first seek to bobtain mycword, and then shall your tongue be loosed; then, if you desire, you shall have my dSpirit and my word, yea, the power of God unto the econvincing of men.
Thanks for everything. 
-Elder Rowberry

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