Thursday, July 25, 2013

I've seen fire and I've seen rain. (Mostly rain though)

¡Hola! ¿Cómo están?
There was nothing that happened this week that was more entertaining than last week. Sorry. This week has flown by though. Last week I didn't explain much about the CCM. I will try to do it better today. So my companion and I live in the dorms. There are four other people that live in the same room as us. In that one room there are three separate rooms that each have two beds in them. There is a bathroom and a commons area with a table. I don't remember if I mentioned my roommates in my last one. There is Elder Hawkes(Bountiful) and Elder Christensen (Gunnison). There is also two Latinos staying with us. It was Elder Rabell (Leon México) and ElderZacarias (Guerrera México). Elder Z and Elder R left on Monday for the mission field. We have two more Elders that moved in last night. I'm not sure what their names are yet. They don't speak nearly as much English as Elder Z and Elder R did. Elder Z and R are both headed to Juarez, México. Elder Hawkes and Elder Christensen are going to Tampa, Florida. We have a lot of fun in our room. Elder H and C epitomize Gringoism. We have a lot of laughs about that. Last week on Tuesday, Elder Thorpe and I were helping some of the new Elders find their room. When we made it back to our room we discovered all the lights were off. We were wondering where everyone was. I tried to turn on the lights but they didn't turn on. I thought that was weird. I thought something must have gone wrong with the lights. I looked at the breaker switches which is right above the light switches. I saw a sticky note covering them and I assumed that it was a note from a maintenance crew or something. I took the sticky note off and went into the main hall to read what it said. Elder Thorpe had made it all the way down the hall to our room by this time. He tried opening our door but it was locked. (We had already locked our keys in our door once, and we had to get Elder Dennis to pick the lock.) As I was looking down to read the note, of which there was none. I heard the loudest bang. I turn around and see Elder Thorpe scrambling on the floor trying to get out of the room as fast as he could. He had slipped and fallen trying to get out of the room. Turns out there wasn't a problem with the lights and our door wasn't locked. Our roommates had been hiding and they shut the breakers off so we couldn't turn on the light. The sound of those doors slamming is the loudest scariest thing. Anyways we got them back even better a couple of nights later.
     Here is a normal day at the CCM. We wake up at 6:30 and work on the Plan ofSwollvation. (I hope that's not sacrilegious.) It's our work out plan to get swoll or big. I came up with it. For every article of clothing we put on we have to do ten push ups or sit ups or dips. Garments are free though. So after we get dressed we go to theComedor for breakfast. We have personal study after that for an hour in our classroom. Then we have teachers teach us about Spanish and teaching. Hermano Hill and Hermano Zamilpa are our teachers. They're awesome. We have lunch after that. Lunch is the biggest meal here. After that we use a computer program called TALL thatBYU developed to help us learn Spanish. Its really good. We have Language study after that by ourselves in our classroom. Once that's over we go to Gym. Elder Thorpe and I play basketball alot and soccer. We generally take a shower after gym. Daily Planning follow gym and we are not good at that at all. We need to get better. Dinner is after daily planning. Around dinner time, almost every day, it starts to rain. When it rains it pours! I've never seen it rain like it does here. Also the thunder here is incredible. It is so loud. One time the thunder lasted for at least 5 minutes straight. Even though it rains the weather here is amazing. It's not hot and it's really not that humid. Once dinner is over we have another teacher, Hermano Rasmussen (who played our investigator Cristofer). There we learn more Spanish and more about how to teach. Some nights we will get to go to devotionals. I really like those. During the first teaching time in the morning and during the last teaching time at night we have a progressing investigator that we teach. We committed Cristofer to baptism last week. We got Karim and Bernardo this week. It´s really helpful to teach these people. I thought I knew how to teach before I got here. HA yeah right. I´ve learned a ton though. This place is revelation city. It's really amazing to just be constantly fed information from the spirit. Teaching "investigators" is good and it's cool to see them change (they are based on real people that the actor taught on their missions). I can't wait to see real people really change. I'm kind of envious of Porter and Scott right now. They are out teaching real people and real lessons and it's not hard for them to get their message across. But I'm really grateful to be learning Spanish even though it gets difficult at times. The amount I've relearned is incredible and its cool to see all of the people who didn't take any or much Spanish prior to the MTC learn alot. I've only learned a couple of new things when it comes to Spanish grammar but I'm way better at speaking and understanding it then I was. I'm going to chalk that one up to the spirit.
I'm really grateful for your letters.
Work Hard Pray Hard.
Con Amor.
-Elder Rowberry
P.S. I apologize about any errors in my letter. I don´t have a lot of time.


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