Saturday, March 22, 2014

Work like a beaver

Well another extremely stressful week down. Another changes week without changes for me. I'm still in the same area. I will be going on seven and half months in the same area by the time this change ends. It's always very very busy here because new missionaries come and old missionaries leave and we have to prepare a ton of stuff. I had to make a little newsletter for the mission to hand out to all the missionaries. I had to do a ton of things that I think I've already mentioned in other letters. 
  During Changes Week we do a lot in the office so we don't get that much time to work in the field. But with what little time we had we worked as hard as we could. Everyone thinks it's so awesome being in the office and that we just sit on our nice comfy chairs in AC all day, which we do. I can't tell you how many times I've heard, I want to go to the office. In the office you really learn a lot of things. My problem solving skills have gone through the roof. I am much more efficient in my work. My ability to work longer and harder has increased. I've learned a ton about Excel (never thought my excel skills would improve in the mission) and other things. I've learned a ton from President Cordón and the Assistants. I've learned to do things correctly and think about all the problems and do things on time. President is very strict about things like that. It's been a huge opportunity for me and it will continue being so. But it's also a flippin lot of work! It's also a lot of stress. Everyone here tells me how I have gray hairs. I think they are coming in quicker now, but you know what? Work is good for us. We had a special stake conference this week for all of Central America. It was via satellite from Salt Lake City. Elder Martino spoke and Elder Scott and Oaks from the 12, as well as Sister Oscarson. They talked directly to the people here. One thing that Elder Oaks talked about was the principle of work and education. He also mentioned that dependency is something that we need to avoid. It was all really good. A copy of President Cordón's summary is attached. It's in Spanish but hey you guys have google translate. 
Thanks for everything everybody
Have a great week!
-Elder Rowberry
Ps. A copy of the Estandarte, the newsletter I made is attached. The mensaje presidencial where it says Cada Area Bautiza (Every area baptize) I made that graphic and we have been using it this month to animate the missionaries. It's been working because we have a really high potential.

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