Monday, April 21, 2014

The Rains came down

From April 19, 2014

The drought is over.
This week was good. Real good. My family has been asking how Gabriela has been doing. She's doing good. Real good. She can now enter the Celestial Kingdom. Last week on Saturday she got baptized. After a very long journey she made the commitment. But let's start at the beginning of this long journey.
One day Elder Paravato, my companion, and I were standing outside of Ciudad Paraíso 2. Thats a residential place where we live. We were going to go to El Jordán which is in El Ranchador, which is a cantón on the far edge of our area. We had some investigators there that we were going to visit. We didn't have any appointments but we were going to pass by there houses. I was looking down at my planner when a bus pulled up. It was the 14. This bus takes us all the way to El Jordán and it only passes once every 45 minutes, or so I've been told. I can't verify it. The point is it rarely passes. 

Inline image 2

I live in the part in the bottom she lives at the top. It's a long ways. 

We hurriedly got on it. The bus was completely packed. I was standing at the front. Looking back I saw a man and his wife. The man smiled at me. I smiled back. I didn't think much of it. However as the journey progressed I felt the need to get off and talk with them. I had no idea where they lived. As we went the feeling grew stronger and stronger. So I was determined to get off. We passed the last known point and we were now going farther and farther in. This is at night by the way. We finally got off. I started talking to them. They let us go to their house. They gave us tamales and hot chocolate. We kept going back. Her "companion" was a jerk to her. He left to go to the US. I mentioned a story a while back about when I got angry at a guy for being mean to his wife. That was this couple. He right now is in México doing who knows what with who knows who leaving her, a 19 year old with two children, a four year old and 2 year old. She went through some other pretty difficult trials on her path towards baptism. Some I don't think are appropriate to put in this email. One of the ones that I can was when she went to her mothers house. Everyone in her family was telling her that she was crazy and she shouldn't talk to us. She basically just told them off and when she got back she told us, "I'm in my house now, and I'll do what I want." It made me really happy to hear that demonstration of faith. Now all she needs to do is endure to the end. 
This week Elder Paravato got his replacement in the office. Right now we are in a trio while Elder Paravato trains Elder Roeller. It's interesting. 
The reason why I didn't write yesterday was because we went to the temple with all of our investigators, as a mission. It was crazy. They learned all about the temple and were able to walk around and look at it. It was a lot of work. After we got to go to Chili's in San Salvador with President and all of the office staff.  It was fun. 
I hope all of you are studying Preach My Gospel like Elder Ballard challenged us to do.
Love you all
-Elder Rowberry

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