Saturday, July 26, 2014

It's the climb

From Monday July 21, 2014

This week I went on interchanges with Elder Rosales from Guatemala. We went to a place calld Cusamaluco. It's so far away from the city and we had to walk for so long. You have to go down and up around 300 steps in the middle of the jungle then you have to climb up a hill they call Quebracho. It's super steep and long. It's also extremely hot here. I just sweat and sweat and sweat.You can´t escape the heat especially when you are walking down a long dusty road in the middle of the jungle. It's awesome. I sometimes think about my friends that have cars and ipads and houses that aren't filled with bugs and food that doesn't have parasites and say to my self, "I'm glad I got sent to a mission for men." No, I'm just kidding. I really like being here. I've learned a ton. 
    We have a lot of progressing investigators that we are teaching. We have had a pretty good amount of people in church we hope to be able to put baptismal dates with them. We have a lot of investigators with issues. We have two sisters that are our investigators. One of them has a daughter that is handicap and has a tumor and they don't have money for the treatments. Also a credit agency is going to take away their house. Their house is made of corrugated tin and it's all they've got. I feel really bad for them. I feel like Peter sometimes when he says, "Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee" Like I said last week the Gospel of Christ is the answer for everything. That's why we suffer the sweaty heat so we can what we have to them.
Love you all.
-Elder Rowberry

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